First Play Attempt
7th Seal First Impressions
Download and install/run was easy.
First startup. Nice clean interface. Simple, but pleasing design. Music thematically appropriate. Interface/main screen intuitive and easy to use.
Went to cartographer first. Input my WAX wallet address. Get inventory works fine. Made a basic 6 player map. One thing I noticed immediately (having not read the rules) is that once you place a map tile, you cannot place a new map tile on top of that piece. Nor can you delete or erase an already placed map tile.
I then saved the map and immediately went into playtest…
Map looked good. I liked the interface and ability to cycle through units. I selected actions for my worker and soldier but couldn’t advance turns or proceed any further. I was able to get back to the cartographer. At this point I decided I should read the rules…
I hit escape and ran the tutorial but couldn’t do that. Then I remembered the known issue. So, I exited and restarted…
Ok… so TUTORIAL is black… doesn’t work. Guess that means there’s no tutorial yet.
Maybe I’ll try to play the map I made…I clicked on SOLO. This doesn’t bring me to my map. It looks like the one that I saw during one of the video updates back in August…
Some form of issue occurred with my first combat where my unit and the enemy were stuck and never resolved combat. Eventually that combat resolved, but then I reached a point at turn 10 where I couldn’t progress any further? I think the system wanted me to assign tasks to all units, but I couldn’t see the command bar anymore and couldn’t figure out how to assign tasks?
I took a screenshot.
The unit commands/options are missing from the bottom screen. Clicking on the NEXT ACTION moves between the unit that is attacking and the unit in my keep. Clicking on END TURN generates a gong sound, but nothing happens.
Clicking ESC and then continuing back to the game brought me back to a screen where I could see commands/options again. I see now that one of my unused actions was for the keep itself. I selected to create a new army unit. But now I am still stuck in the hex where combat is supposed to be happening. See the second screenshot.
Hitting ESC and going back to the game does not restore a “normal” looking menu this time, and I am unable to proceed further. I will try to exit and see if I can get back into the game…
That solo game seems to be lost. I exited to the MAIN MENU and tried to enter SOLO GAME again. Here’s the screen I get now:
Final thoughts:
Graphics and sound look good. Interface is clean and simple. I could see playing this game on multiple platforms, including mobile. Looking forward to more game time. Well done gentlemen!
Chadrick Mahaffey
Thanks for this great post. Some of the issues you have brought up are fixed. Some are planned to be fixed. If you try the latest 0.9.13 version you should have a better experience now. Thanks again.
Chadrick Mahaffey
under review
Chadrick Mahaffey
Shift+click to remove tile in Cartographer
Chadrick Mahaffey
Great feedback! Will digest the issues as we can.